
Subplot ideas
Subplot ideas

subplot ideas

The Parallel Line You can also write a subplot that never touches the main plot, or that begins separately before. LOOK! If you want an in-depth lesson on sub-plots with exercises, please buy The 6 Sub-Plots Workbook. The Isolated Chunk Too many aspiring authors feel they shouldn’t use this technique because it seems stupidly easy. I hope this post gave you a chance to think about using less ordinary romantic sub-plots. They allow protagonists to see themselves in a different light. Subplots are the added attractions for a Story and are best used to amplify the theme/controlling idea more aggressively or to counterbalance the global. They allow the reader to see protagonists in a different light. Remember that sub-plots are there to advance your story and to expose your characters to forces that could transform them. A damaged relationship that does not improve or change, for example, a bad marriage that staggers on instead of dying.Although you will probably need to create certain scenes that revolve entirely around subplot ideas, it’s best if you can weave them into your main plotline’s concerns as much as possible. A strategically chosen lover for political or business purposes. As such, your goal is to integrate your subplot ideas into your main plot so seamlessly they’re inextricable.A relationship that depends on a fetish or an addiction.You could include one of these six less common options for your romantic sub-plot: LOOK! If you want an in-depth lesson on sub-plots with exercises, please buy The 6 Sub-Plots Workbook. Don’t do it for shock value or because you are bored. If you do choose one of these six, remember that it should suit your main character’s personality and sexuality. Sometimes it’s good to choose something quirky or different – maybe even a little grittier than usual. Too often, we get stuck with stereotypes. However, if you are going to use the romantic sub-plot for your story, i.e., a love interest who represents the romantic and sexual needs of your protagonist, I want to offer suggestions for making it more interesting.

subplot ideas

Writers use love interests to support protagonists and to thwart them by threatening their well-being.

subplot ideas

It could be a friend, a pet, or a family member that your protagonist loves. As I said, a love interest does not have to be a romantic interest. The most common sub-plot is the love interest. I recently wrote a post about the six sub-plots writers use most often in their stories. Are you including a love interest in your book? We have put together this post about the romantic sub-plot to help you write your stories.

Subplot ideas