The second time through, the guitar solo modulates. Follow that sort of shape through the chords. The solo is Am, Em, G D with the bass line basically doing the shape of low A, 5th fret, open E, G A.

It's just G under the "that was your last mistake" section except on the very last time he follows it up from the G on the 10th fret, A string, to the C. On the G he works his way from the octave down to the 3rd fret. Then on the C and D chords he arpeggiates the major triad. Listen to Too Many People by Paul McCartney & Linda McCartney, 40488 Shazams, featuring on 70s Hits Essentials, and 70s Rock Essentials Apple Music. The important thing on the chord is that he plays quarter notes up the scale starting from the first fret: F G A G.

The chord progression in the verse is F, C G and D. I'll take it up with him next time I see him. Paul & Linda McCartney - RAM Lyrics and Tracklist Genius Album RAM Paul & Linda McCartney Released RAM Tracklist 1 Too Many People Lyrics 69.7K 2 3 Legs Lyrics 17.8K 3 Ram On Lyrics. Minor quibble: he introduces it every night as "for the Wings fans", but Ram was not a Wings album and he almost never played the song with Wings. Just watch his left hand and you'll see what he's up to. He somewhat simplified the bass line, but it's a good way to begin. Secondly, Paul himself did the song live a few years back and there are 20 or so videos of that. The guy who plays bass on that pays a lot of attention to getting it right.
You will recognize Mike's voice from doing the lead vocals in the movie "THat Thing You Do" (for which he, unfortunately, did not get Liv Tyler as a girlfriend). One is ace singer/songwriter Mike Viola doing the whole Ram Album inCopenhagen a couple of years ago. There are a few things worth youtubing in this regard. But it was certainly heartfelt.Well, let's see if we can't at least set you off on the right path. So, I think it’s very powerful in some very simple way. Let’s be cool.” And luckily we did get it back together, which was like a great source of joy because it would have been terrible if he’d been killed as things were at that point and I’d never got to straighten it out with him. And I thought, “ Oh God.” That lyric: “Really truly, young and newly wed.” Listening to that was like, “ Oh my God, it’s true!” I’m trying to say to John, “ Look, you know, it’s all cool. Listen to Ram (Archive Collection) by Paul & Linda McCartney on Apple Music. I remember when I heard the song recently, listening to the roughs in the car. Stream songs including 'Too Many People', '3 Legs' and more. I find it very emotional when I listen to it now. So I worked on my attitude and wrote “Dear Friend”, saying, in effect, let’s lay the guns down, let’s hang up our boxing gloves.Īnd then with “Dear Friend”, that’s sort of me talking to John after we’d had all the sort of disputes about The Beatles break up. So after John had slagged me off in public I had to think of a response, and it was either going to be to slag him off in public - and some instinct stopped me, which I’m really glad about - or do something else. Life is too precious, although we often find ourselves guilty of doing it. I don’t like grief and arguments, they always bug me. “Dear Friend” was written about John, yes.